Today’s inspiration comes to you from Rover. That’s right. My dog Rover. It was a IMG_5261beautiful winter’s day: -6 C, bright sunny sky, snow covered ground. Lovely. I was out with Rover on a romp through the river valley close to my home (OK, he may have romped more than I…). But despite the beauty of the day, there really weren’t that many people out. I only encountered 2 other dog walkers, 1 jogger, a couple of solo walkers, 1 dad w 2 kids sledding and 1 XC skier – in an hour. Hmmm, I think we have a problem here.

As I walked, I started to think of the unique seasonal opportunities available to those of us who are fortunate enough to have winter. Yup. I said it. Fortunate to have winter. Snow. Ice. Cold. Glorious.

You see, I believe that we should #embracewinter. We embrace only the things we love. Winter and all it’s opportunities should be on that list. Unfortunately, over the past number of years, I have seen that love erode away  – even in Northern countries like Canada (although I think Norway and other Scandinavian countries still have it figured out!). Maybe it’s the over saturation of technology. Maybe we are afraid of frostbite. Maybe central heating and comfy couches have doomed us to a life without the joys of brilliant sun on blinding white snow and the sweet sounds of pucks and skates on outdoor ice. Maybe not.

Join me as I explore 5 quick ways to #embracewinter.IMG_5114

  1. Get some longjohns! You don’t have Rover’s coat so start with a quality base layer: thermal underwear and good socks. As for the rest, you don’t need a lot and a good base layer goes a long way! Get hand-me-downs, shop the thrift stores or build up key items one at a time. You don’t have to overspend to dress for the weather. #layerup
  2. Play! Get out there and try something outside. Go for a walk. Sled down a hill. Skate on a pond. Ski across a field. IMG_2635Snowshoe through a forest – you get the idea. Again, equipment can be minimal and not expensive. Ask for hand-me-downs. Sleds and toboggans on Kijiji. Shared winter toys in a neighbourhood, church or community league. Post a note at school announcing a winter equipment swap. #gearup
  3. Learn! Once you’ve tried a few new activities (or maybe ones you haven’t done since you were a kid) consider taking lessons to refine your skills (OK, IMG_1136sledding REALLY requires you to just slide down a hill…). I am not necessarily talking about formal lessons (could be an option). Find someone who loves to do a winter activity (same goes for summer) and I’ll GUARANTEE you they will be happy to go out with you and give you a few tips. These types of people love to share their love of winter and winter activities. Find them! #smartenup
  4. Model! When you demonstrate your love for winter and willingness to get outside IMG_3976you are contagious (ummm, the good kind though…). Be willing to share your skills and knowledge freely (see #3) with your own family and beyond. Be the person who is enthusiastic about the coming of winter and be sure to let others know (not obnoxiously though). Invite people to come out with you. Share equipment, spare clothing and solid advice. To coin a phrase – “Just Do It!” 😉   #getup
  5. Volunteer. Once you have (re)discovered your love for winter, take that next step and help others to be able to experience the same. Sign up to be the parent on the ski trip. Help run the local outdoor rink (clear, flood, skate, repeat!). Ask to supervise IMG_1131the toboggan hill before school. Facilitate the equipment and clothing swap. Invite a family new to winter and snow (new-immigrant families, university students, etc.) out for a night of sledding and hot chocolate. #helpup OK, I know that last hashtag didn’t really work – just buy into the theme will ya!

See you outside this winter! Rover and I are waiting for you…



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